This was always going to be a tough match, and so it turned out to be. The Ireland team are undefeated, and the best we could do was tie a few boards, our only big gain coming when the Irish overbid to 6NT.
Every flat board involved us bidding and playing well, whenever we didn't we lost 10 IMPs.
This was a missed opportunity:
Michael took the direct route and is in 3NT. Of course they lead a Spade, but the good news is they're 4-3 so we're still in with a chance. From here, you can see that there are 5 top Hearts, 2 top Diamonds and 2 Clubs if you finesse. But you might also choose to take the Diamond finesse, which Michael did. Hard luck, 3NT-1.
At the other table East-West got to 4H. Aidan and Harry were accurate in defence to hold it to 9 tricks and a flat board - which I'm counting as a win.
Late on we gained 6 IMPs for this pleasing result
Harry overcalled 2H and played there. He made +1 by ruffing two Diamonds in dummy (overall making 4 Hearts, 3 Diamonds and 2 Clubs). The other table went down two in 4H. So I'd say we bid the board better and played it better.
However, it wasn't enough and overall we lost the match in IMPS 57-19 for 2-18 in Victory Points. Don't these VP scales seem quite extreme?
Here's the current standings:
With one match left in the first round three teams are vying for top spot, England having roared back with two 20-0 wins today.
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