Saturday, 17 February 2024

Peggy Bayer Match 3 - Wales

After a big loss and a big win we currently sit third out of six. Big test this morning against Wales, with whom we are similarly matched.

Current scores at

Whatever happens today, I was the real winner this morning as I arrived at breakfast at 8 am and stayed until nearly 10 am, taking in two full Irish breakfasts, a light continental and pocketing an apple and croissant for later.

I'm now staying in the bridge room to watch the start of the first match live, and help with the Bridgemate scoring. Unfortunately, the sixth member of our team is also hanging around, hoping to get a game I think.

On my first board our most inexperienced declarer found herself in 3NT. 

The auction was textbook - East opened 1NT (12-14), West raised to 3NT.

Declarer got the King of Hearts lead, which she took with the Ace instead of ducking (we'll discuss that later), then brought home the Diamonds to make her contract. Game in the bag!

On the other table Wales were only in 2NT. If the online scores are to be believed, South led the 6 of Hearts, a weird choice.

I think the best lead for South is a low Spade. Declarer wins the Queen of Spades from dummy, then I think the best play is a low Diamond from both hands. But that's all hypothetical, the important thing is Scotland got a game swing and are leading the match.

This was an interesting play hand, in 2H from West.
The defence begin with two Clubs and a Spade from South.

Our declarer, Niamh, did well. She won South's low Spade with the Ten, drew only three rounds of trumps, then ruffed a Club. She came to one Club, 5 Hearts and 2 Spades. There's one more trick in there if you only leave yourself enough trumps in dummy to ruff two Clubs (or set up a Diamond trick), but I'm not arguing with 2H=.

On the other table Kevin pulled off some magic as North to make 4S. This looks like a decent contract, until you notice there are two trump losers, and the Diamonds are badly placed. A Diamond lead from East is helpful, but he got a Club lead. I expect the way to make it is still to play diamonds, and West ruffs with natural trump tricks.

The two top teams, England and Ireland, are comfortably winning their matches, but the English declarer went down in the same optimistic 4S contract.

We won 20-0 overall to keep us solidly in third overall.

I've been encouraging my team to take their time when they see dummy - at least two minutes. The highlight of the match for me was when a Welsh defender was waiting for declarer to finish thinking and said "I forgot who made the opening lead, it was so long ago." That's a good sign.

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