Wednesday, 11 November 2020


Anna and I played in the SBU pairs last night. We had a few poor ones but lots of good results too, and finished joint 6th out of 56 pairs, on 58.18%. The highlight was a couple of boards were we took them off three, with some very satisfying defence. Strangely, both those boards were played with me kneeling on the kitchen floor with the laptop next to the kettle, trying to make a cup of tea.

The lowlight was a real low - me misclicking to cost a game contract. I've never done that before, and up to now sort of assumed other people 'misclicking' was actually them changing their mind. I have more sympathy now.

I've got to a reasonable 3NT, though it's going to be tricky. I probably should have ducked the Heart lead, but didn't. You can see at Trick Two I make the highly unusual play of the ♠T from hand. This was the card next to the ♥A I'd just won, and my finger must still have been down on the track pad. Unfortunately my ♠T lost to South (meaning the Spade finesse would have worked), and now there's no time to set up the Diamonds.

Before the misclick my plan after I won the ♥A was to run the ♦Q, which probably would have been ducked, then crossed to dummy for a Diamond finesse. Not a great plan but would have worked here. Across the tournament all 28 tables were playing 3NT by West, which can't happen very often. My score of -2 was worth just 15%.

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