John and I made another poor start to the Tuesday SBU pairs, and kept that going to finish on just 40.9%. I made a couple of mistakes. On one board I miscounted trumps, meaning I played an embarrassing extra round once everyone else was out. That meant I had one fewer entry to set up another suit. My only defence was that both opponents were messaging me to ask what my bid meant (a bid I'd already alerted), and the still-awake two-year old upstairs was asking for a hug from his Daddy. I tried to ignore the distractions, but evidently failed.
On the hand below we had a doubly poor result. Not only did the opponents take a lucky punt on a making 6NT contract, but I found a lead to give them an overtrick.
Against 6NT I lead a low Heart, which went round to the King. Declarer needed the Diamond finesse so took it, and when that worked ended up with all 13 tricks. In fact there are always 13 tricks outside Hearts, so any lead except the ♥A leads to 6NT+1. A few tables found the ♥A lead, but I'm not convinced it's a good idea as it might let declarer get to 12 tricks without needing the Diamond finesse. And since you're getting a poor score for conceding 6NT anyway (21%) you might as well try to beat it.
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