As for the bridge, we started with a 20-0 win against Northern Ireland, followed by a 0-20 reversal against England. In the crunch match against Ireland I watched some of it with my partner from the SOL league, John Faben, and his six-month old baby. This was the board that caused most discussion:
North showed one keycard and South signed off in 5♥, and who knows what's happening now. Anyway they got to 6♥ which is a playable spot.
With the trumps and Clubs behaving nicely it can make, but could also be very awkward too.
Not wanting to lead away from any honours, West started with a trump. East did well to withhold the Queen, letting the ♥T in dummy win. Declarer is now home by drawing trumps and giving up a Spade. He did well to start immediately with a Spade from dummy (East might just play low with the Ace). When West won and returned a Diamond it was all over. Declarer drew trumps and claimed 12 tricks.
A rather fortuitous 13 IMP gain.
It wasn't enough to stop us losing to Ireland, 58-24 for a paltry 2.69 Victory Points. I always think the Victory Point scales are much to extreme in these Junior events, where you expect a lot of swings.
After this we beat Northern Ireland again and lost to England again. In that final match we lost 66-7, for a morale boosting 0.07 VPs.
These are the standings after Day One:
Tomorrow we will try to take a little more off England, and crucially beat Ireland so we can come second overall.
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