After a rather disappointing first half we were 12 IMPs down. It could have been worse, but Paul and Jun produced a good card at the other table to limit our losses.
In the second half I came out all guns blazing. On the first hand the opposition crept to 4♠, which I doubled. This might have made but went down two. The other table was also 4♠-2 but not doubled so that gained us 5 IMPs.
Then when I got a good hand I bid it to the max.
I opened 1♣, and it came back round to me at 4♠. I had been considering 3NT, and now thought about 4NT, natural. However, 4NT definitely would not have been natural, it would have been two places to play, which I suppose I sort of have with some Heart support for John. I also have plenty of strenght to double, but in the end went for a simple 5♣.
East doubled this immediately, and why not with the ♦AK. She lead the ♦A, and we all had a look at dummy.
It looks like the only chance is Clubs 2-2 (unlikely after the double) and dropping the singleton King of Hearts. At this point I realised how many tricks down 4♠ would be and wished I'd doubled instead.
After cashing the ♦A East understandably paused, not wanting to play another round and set up my Queen in dummy. She probably thought I had a singleton Diamond too, to justify my bidding. So, she safely switched to a Spade. This was fatal to the defence.
I drew trumps, realised I was about to make it, played an extra trump for no reason, then lead a Diamond. East won, but whatever she plays gives me access to dummy and all the remaining tricks. 5♣x= for +750.
On the other table after the same start South responsed 2♥, and North pushed to 6♥-2. That was a 14 IMP gain.
On the last board of the match I picked up another good hand, and bid it to the max:
I opened 1♠ and despite my partner's silence went up to 4♥. This was promptly doubled, and I corrected to 4♠, doubled again. John had a think but then thankfully passed. And fortunately the defence lead a Diamond, so I could ruff, draw trumps and make 4♠x=.
On the other table Jun and Paul bid diamonds aggressively and North-South again pushed to 6♥-2. That was another 14 IMPs.
In between those good scores our opponents punted a couple of good games too, so there were scores flying in both directions. In the end we won the second half by 17 IMPs, for a 5 IMP win overall.
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