The last board caught my eye:
On the one hand it's a very flat board, with nearly everyone getting to 4♥ and making 10 tricks. That's what we did, for 51% on the board. As long as South makes the obvious ♣K lead the defence get one Club, one Diamond and one Spade.
But the question is, at the table, once you've drawn trumps how can you maximize your chances of getting to discard a losing Club? There is hope in the Diamond suit, but if once you lead the ♦J every defender should take the Ace then cash their Club. A bit better is leading the ♦2 from hand, when it's not quite as obvious you're looking for a Club discard.
But I think the best line is to cross to dummy and take the Spade finesse. If Spades behave you have a genuine chance to get away your Club loser (from dummy), and make 12 tricks. And if the Spade finesse fails you're in the same position as before.
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