Last night I joined Ted for our first teams match together for a few months. There was the usual system discussion beforehand, though with a bit less time spent on Lebensohl than before (thankfully it has still never come up).
We got off to a sensible start, competing well in the part score. The first board gave me lots of decisions, and on this occasion looking at it now I agree with myself:
Ted opened the good 11-count as North, and I needed to respond. Three options: I could have supported his Clubs (the opening bid of 1♣ promises at least four), I could have bid my five card Diamond suit, or I could skip them both and bid Spades. I went for the major. Ted then had no choice but to redid his Clubs, and I've got another decision. I've got good Clubs, and more importantly, it seems likely opponents can make something (proably in Hearts), so I bid 3♣. This is in theory invitiational which I'm too light for but worst case we end up in a poor 5♣. I've given up hoping to buy the contract cheaply, against 2♣ good opponents are never going to let it get passed out.
3♣ ended the auction and Ted got a Heart lead. He made nine tricks via four Hearts, four Clubs (East eventually getting the ♣8) and a Diamond.
This felt like a solid start, and gained 2 IMPs when the other table competed and went down in 3♥ (losing two Hearts, a Diamond, a Club, a Spade ruff). What's interesting is that you can actually make 3♥, using a clever trick. If you can see the Spade ruff coming you can set up the Diamonds and use then to discard one of East's winning Spades.
Ted and I produced a few more decent results, before becoming unstuck when an opponent had the boldness to interfere with my 1NT opening. We ended in 4♠ in a 3-3 fit, off two. Then I was a bit bold overcalling 3♥ and that was off another two doubled. At the break though we were just 7 IMPs behind.
In the second half we were doubled twice more, once rather spectacularly at the six level - details withheld!. Instead here's a hand where I got duped by a very light opening:
Martin opened 1♦ non-vulnerable third in hand and I stretched to make a 1NT overcall. 3NT is not a bad contract, and after South lead the ♥T I'm up to nine tricks. I thought it was impossible South had either Spade honour so set about establishing the Spades and collecting my ninth trick. But North took the ♠A and cleared the Hearts, then South popped up with the ♠K and cashed the Hearts. If I'd have thought this a possibility I can make by ducking the first Heart trick. I did consider this, but sadly didn't do it.
In the end we lost the match 17-52.
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