Sunday, 28 June 2020

Buchanan Saturday Tournament

After a narrow 19-17 win last week Anna and I returned for another 12 boards of competition.

We started well as the opponent's missed a couple of games (or bid game when slam was there) then came my first go as declarer:

I was pleased to have a fairly normal weak 2♥ opening. South stretched to overcall 3♦ and Anna did not hesitate to bid game. South lead her ♦A.

The contract looks good, with likely two Diamonds and a Heart to lose. But the opponents also have a Diamond ruff coming. To try and avoid this, I made the standard misdirection of dropping my ♦J under the Ace. It felt like I did this smoothly without a pause, but maybe that's not quite true. South didn't fancy leading another Diamond in case declarer ruffed (setting up the ♦Q) so switched suits. Now my two losing Diamonds went away on the Clubs and there were eleven tricks.

I'm not sure what carding they played, but North did play the ♦6 on the first trick. I think Anna and I have agreed in that situation (a doubleton opposite partner's Ace lead) we will play an encouraging card too (in our case the ♦3).

On the other table the defence got the ruff and so it was one down.

Anna then had this tricky 3NT to play;

After her 1♠ opening Anna is too weak to reverse so must rebid 2♠. I make a forcing 3♦ and Anna had a very solid Diamond stop so bid 3NT. Actually, 4♥ is the best contract, but despite the communication problems there should be enough high cards to make 3NT.

North lead a Club which Anna ducked, winning the second Club. There are seven top tricks, so at least one suit needs to be developed. Anna went for the Diamonds, but also took a successful Spade finesse of the ♠8, and when South discarded too many Spades actually made 3NT+2. You can see with everything working (both Spade honours onside, Diamond 3-3), everything works. I'm not sure what the best line is, but I would also have gone for the Diamonds.

On the other table they took the misfit too seriously and finished in 3♥+1.

We had established a healthy lead so on the final board when Anna opened 2♣ opposite my 11 count I thought I would fully investigate the grand slam. I judged extremely poorly to put Anna in a perilous 7♣ on a 5-2 fit. She brought it home though, and we won the match 71-17.

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