Sunday, 18 February 2024

Peggy Bayer Match 10 - Northern Ireland

Our final match is against Northern Ireland, who we beat comfortably last time. While they get going, my reflections on the whole weekend:

- Great meeting in person, rather than online. Everyone agrees about this
- It would be nice if the same set of boards were used in the two tournaments, so that we could all chat together about the deals
- The bridge has been of quite a variable standard. I think in this situation the focus should be on encouraging the newer players, which it has been
- Hotel has been good, apart from the disappointing lunches (for those having the soup)

On this deal Al sitting South played in 4H. We've been working on dealing with losers in your hand (either by ruffing in dummy or throwing on dummy's winners), but here there's no need to do anything. Just draw trumps - 7 Hearts and 4 Spades means 4H+1, a game swing against 2H+3 at the other table (maybe a weak two passed out). 

Later I sat in to watch our East-West pair bid to a very bad 3NT. "I probably should have passed." said West. "Niamh, I hate you." said East. The contract made, but I hope they don't do it again. I'm not going to print the board in case it encourages them.

We won the match comfortably - well done the youngsters!

Final positions in Peggy Bayer (U21)

And in the Junior Camrose (U26)

All that remains is the final dinner and closing ceremony. Each federation has been asked to give a short speech. The other two Scotland coaches approached me and said they thought I should do it. Thanks guys. 

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