I have two teams in the SBU Bronze League this year - my 'veterans' who have now left school and my 'Juniors' who have just joined the bottom division. Last Wednesday I ended up playing for the veterans while also directing the Juniors - some of whom left at half-time thinking the match was over. I was madly messaging everyone to try and get that match back on track, while in the match I was playing I was faced with this hand:
Aidan had the big East hand and opened 2♣. I think most would say the hand is not good enough, as you have four losers and not enough tricks, but I have seen Aidan open a light 2♣ before so can't blame him for what followed. His counterpart, the East for our opponents Amisfield also chose to open 2♣.
With my strong West hand I was tempted to bid an immediate 7NT, but started with 2♦. Partner predictably bid Hearts, then Hearts again, and after my Blackwood bid showed the expected three keycards. If we had a method of asking for Kings I'd have done it; instead I just bid 7NT.
If partner has the expected solid Hearts, Ace of Spades, and at least one more King (Spades or Diamonds please) then we should be big favourites. As it is, it looks like it depends on a finesse.
Although you wouldn't generally like to be in a grand slam on a finesse, it's actually not too bad if you assume the other team are in 6NT. If the finesse works we gain about a game swing, if it fails we lose about a game swing. Of course the flaw in my reasoning is that if East opens 1♥ (as I would have) it might actually be quite hard to get to slam (makes the 2♣ opener look a bit better), and I'd feel foolish playing 7NT-1 against 4♥ on the other table.
In 7NT North led a Heart, a sensible safe lead. There are 11 top tricks. If the Diamonds come home you have plenty of tricks. Is there also a chance of a squeeze? Not really, as your only threats are the Spades and Diamonds in your hand. If North has the missing Kings (as here) he gets to choose what to discard after you, and if South has them that means the Diamond finesse was working anyway.
I ran a few Hearts then took the losing Diamond finesse. As I'd also cashed the ♠A in preparation for an end-position that didn't happen that meant off two. On this layout I can't do any better and I think I was technically right in assuming that I needed the Diamond finesse. I chose to take it early so I could then decide what to do if it won but the Diamond King didn't drop under the Ace, (if I play all my winning Hearts I have to throw away too many cards from dummy and can't then squeeze South).
However, I now wonder if I should have ran all of the Hearts, which would put a lot of pressure on North. He was already slowing down with his discards. I know that my Clubs aren't a threat but he doesn't, and I wonder if he would have been forced to e.g. bare the Diamond King. Would I have then dropped it with my Ace, or finessed anyway? Who knows - it would have been an interesting test.
As it was that was 14 IMPs out against 6NT= on the other table.
After that I was slightly on the tilt, but in a good way, and made just enough IMPs back on the last two boards. We won the match 53-35 overall.
This earlier deal was a great result for Aidan and I:
I made a rather reckless 3♥ overcall (having length in right-hand opponent's suit is a good thing I thought) and over their natural 3NT Aidan found a bold 4♥, doubled. There is at least one loser in each suit, plus I need to ruff some Spades but also draw trumps, and guess Diamonds right.
On a Spade lead from North I played low and South played the Ace, then tried to cash some Clubs. I ruffed in and now have to be careful. If I try and draw trumps then the defence could duck the King. Then what do I do? If I play another round of trumps they could win and play trumps again, leaving me without a Spade ruff. If I play Spades myself I could get stuck in dummy and forced to lead away from the Diamonds. I attacked the problem head-on and led a Diamond to the Jack and Ace. With Diamonds 3-2 I'm home now (as it happens with trumps 2-2 I'm always safe).
4♥x-1 for -200 was a good score against game making the other way. Our opponents said they were thinking about bidding 4NT. This has exactly nine top tricks, but who knows what might have happened on the run of the Clubs. On the other table North chose to double the 3♥ overcall, leading to 5♣=, so we gained 7 IMPs on this one.