Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Rowan vs Kenmure Lions

A more relaxing game tonight. Afterwards when we thanked each other on the final board the words nice, pleasant and pleasureable were used.

Our opponents were less agressive than in previous matches, which worked well for them here:

With North-South silent Anna and I got to 3NT. Anna has a singleton Spade and knows I have only three, but reasoned that 3NT was probably still our best contract. And if my Hearts and Spades were the other way round it would have been. As it was the defence efficiently took the first five tricks for 3NT-1.

At the one other table where North-South passed the result was also 3NT-1. When South overcalled 1♠ at one table they played 3♠-2, and only once did East-West get to the top spot of 4♥. Well bid Neil and Anna. On a Spade lead I think the best play in 4♥ is to duck the first three rounds, but with trumps 3-3 everything works.

Anna's bold 3NT there might have been influenced by an earlier board, where we floundered in 3♣+1 with 3NT making. But I think with the hand above Anna can afford to bid 2♥ on her last turn, then when I fail to bid NT she'll know Spades aren't stopped.

Finally here's a hand where the opponents showed good technique:

On Anna's King of Diamonds lead declarer is in trouble, at risk of losing one Spade, two Diamonds, and the Heart finesse. But declarer correctly played on Clubs before tackling trumps, and could discard a Diamond loser to make exactly. Even if Clubs are 4-2 this play doesn't cost anything. I'm not sure but I think it might be even safer to cash the Ace of Hearts first, then if Clubs are 4-2 and an opponent ruffs they could be ruffing with the ♥K.

Three times the result was 4♥= and the fourth table played 5♥-2.

Overall we narrowly lost the match 8.5-7.5

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