Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Adamson vs Stevenson

For this iteration of the league our team has rebranded as Adamson. Two of our pairs (Pinder-Barton and Adamson-Saunders) did well in the recent trials and have been selected for the Scotland team in the Camrose (see here). With that talent in the squad, surely we'd be unstopptable?

Unfortunately, John and I were not picked for the Camrose Team, and didn't even get close to entering the trials. He actually played the first two hands with new baby Xander. I had no such excuse. We had an off night, starting with this very disappointing 6♠ I let through:

I've made a slightly wild 3♥ overcall and propelled them to 6♠. There's no point leading my singleton Diamond (partner can't have the Ace), so I tried a Club, and was pleased when declarer refused the finesse and won the first trick with the ♣A. He took the ♥A, ruffed a Heart, then the King of Spades to my Ace. Crunch time.

I returned a top Heart, forcing him to ruff high in dummy (as he thought from the auction I had seven Hearts so East might be over-ruffing. Then he lead a Spade from dummy and finessed, losing to my bare ♠T. One off.

At least, that's what should have happened. Actually, when in with the ♠A I was worried about giving a ruff and discard so returned a tame Spade, not realising the power of my ♠T. Declarer won this and was able to quickly claim, for 6♠= against 4♠+2 on the other table (where South had only overcalled 2♥). An 11 IMP loss, that could have been a 10 IMP gain.

The first half continued to not go terribly well and at the break we were down by 50 IMPs to 1. In the second half we steadied the ship (but still lost slightly) to finish 53 IMPs behind.

On the upside John and I didn't have any bidding misunderstanding (just lots of poor defence), and I expect we will bounce back with a win in tonight's game against Peden.

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