Saturday, 25 September 2021

Partscore battle

With the Glasgow League starting again soon (and our Team Rowan promoted to Division One) Anna I thought we should get some practice. The EBU Matchpoint evening isn't ideal, its not IMPs, but it's short and starts at a good time (1930). In general we don't have too many bidding misunderstandings, the main thing I think is defence.

Here's a matchpoint battle:

We play a weak NT and prefer to open the lower of four card suits, hence my 1♦ opening. Having passed, West then made a takeout double and Anna made a very light Diamond raise. This is the one time she can bypass a four card major. I stretched a bit with my 3♦ bid, and when they bid 4♣ I was very happy to double. I have a couple of Ace-Kings, a likely Diamond trick, and partner may well have something in trumps. At IMPS I might still have doubled 4♣, as I was expecting at least two down.

I led my Ace of Spades and Anna discouraged, and also discouraged in Hearts and Diamonds. As it turned out we had just four tricks. 4♣x-1 was worth +100 and 82%. If I don't double then we get +50 for 74%, not much difference.

Any positive score is good for North-South here, as most pairs were in 1NT-1, or defending a lower level Club contract.

We got a few gifts (6NT-2) and finished on 64% for 5th overall. Bring on the league!

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