Thursday, 1 July 2021

SBU Bronze League: HSOG vs Northern Lights

Last night I watched my school team playing in the SBU Bronze League. They did very well, with some excellent judgement and solid card play. What I've noticed watching them is that matches are usually won and lost by declarer play, and especially defence. More rarely, there is a chance to gain in the bidding.

This was the last board of the match:

On the first table our North opened 1♣ as we play a weak NT. East had a clear 1♠ overcall and it was over to Michael sitting South. I'd been encouraging them to "pre-empt to the max" and that's what Michael did here, with an immediate 5♣. It's the right time to do it, with a big trump fit, distributional hand, no defence and at favourable vulnerability. What makes the bid so effective though is that it's a jump all the way to game, so West doesn't know if the 5♣ is bid to make or as a sacrifice, so it's very hard for him to double. Also, Michael has pre-empted before they've found their fit, and so West is definitely going to want to show his Spade support.

Over 5♣ West really had to bid 5♠. This contract appears to have three losers (one Heart, one Diamond and one Club), but if declarer can set up the Diamonds he can throw his Heart losers. Luckily Michael found the Heart lead, and that set up three tricks for the defence and Kevin was able to cash out for minus one.

Over to the other table:

Here North chose to downgrade his 15 points and still open 1NT. Opening 1NT often makes it harder for the opponents, but here it hid North-Souths Club fit. Al overcalled 2♠ and Harry recognised the power of his hand and bid 4♠. South lead a Club to the Ace and when North returned a Heart that was exactly ten tricks too, this time for 4♠=. A good team board to gain 12 IMPs.

Overall we won the match 19-1 VPs, putting us in 3rd place in the league with one match to go. The top three get promoted, and next week we play the team in 4th.

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