In our last league match we didn't do too well, and during the week I sent Anna some stuff to read. I think she looked at some of it. This week we did a lot better. I can't really think of any bad boards that we had, although admittedly for the last few boards (defending a low contract making overtricks) some of my defence was a bit erratic.
This board was our best result:
I opened 1♣ and Anna replied 1♥. She's only got three points but it's safer to bid now than regret it later. East had a big 6-5 hand and chose to double. I bid a natural 2♦ over this, which came back to me in 2♠. At this point if I pass we've won the board, as they are missing out on 4♠. West was maximum to only bid 2♠ and East should have just bid game, making if his partner has the Ace of Spades.
I didn't realise it was their board though and pushed on, with a forcing 3♠. This is like a takeout double but stronger, rather optimistically hoping Anna could bid 3NT and it would have play. Anna had an easy 4♥ instead though. East gave this a long look then passed and lead a Club.
Anna correctly drew two rounds of trumps then played the Clubs from dummy, making 4♥.
During his long think I'd decided that if East bid 4♠ I would have doubled. This would have led to -790 instead of +620.
Our team-mates Neil and Anne did make 4♠x=, while the other tables were 4♠= and a surprising 3♠-1 where declarer never drew trumps.
This one I played unusally carefully (slowly):
Anna's 2/1 showed 10+ then when I rebid 2♥ she did well to invite, and I have to accept with a good 14 count. East led the Ten of Hearts.
It looks like I have three losers in Clubs so just need to get trumps right, and the trump lead round to my Jack has helped.
If trumps are 3-2 it'll be easy, but what if they're 4-1? I need to finesse on the second round, without even cashing a high trump first. So I crossed to dummy and lead the ♥9. There is very little risk here, as surely from his lead West doesn't have the Queen of Hearts (and if he does I will accept my fate).
As it happened trumps were 3-2 so my care wasn't required, but I was pleased I thought of it. Our team-mates Jill and Barbara also bid and made 4♥, as did one opposition pair, the other stopping in 3♥+1.
Finally, a lucky one:
West opened 1♠ and Anna doubled. Later she admitted this was a misclick, as she'd decided not to double but still had her mouse hovering over the double. She realised straight away but thought she couldn't ask for an Undo, as she'd taken a while to think of her bid, and doubling then changing it to pass gives away some information. While I can't fault her ethics I don't think she should even be thinking of a double with that hand.
East jumped to 4♠ and it was my turn to think. I ruled out Pass, as I thought they might be stealing from us at this vulnerability. We do have a Heart fit, and I could also bid 4NT (two places to play), but settled on double. Anna can take it out if she's got a really nice hand I thought (I obviously couldn't have trump length on this auction, so must just be doubling on strength).
Anna passed and lead the ♦Q. When I saw dummy I was rather concerned, a full 13 points. But the Diamonds were good to us and once declarer played the ♦K I covered with the Ace and returned the ♦7 to Anna's Jack. She found the Heart return to the Queen-King-Ace and we now have it one off. Even better, declarer tried a Club before drawing trumps. Anna snapped this up, crossed to my ♥J and I gave her a Diamond ruff for 4♠x-2 and +300.
Our team-mates Heather and David made 4♠ on this deal, when on another lead after South tried to cash his ♦A. On the other tables it was 1♠+2 and Pass.
In the second half I felt myself slowing down somewhat, and there was one enormous pause while I tried to find the right discard to prevent an overtrick in 2NT. I know it's aggregate scoring and didn't matter but I really wanted to get it right.
Anna and I kept a very tidy scoresheet, our only scores that were below par when the opposition found a good 3NT opposite a 3♣ opener, and a few times where we went one down pushing to explore game (which I think is the right thing to do at this scoring).
Overall Team Rowan won the match 16-0, to return to the top of Division 2!