With partner a passed hand I have free licence. Over the 1♠ opener I bid an immediate 4♥. Pre-empting at game level is very effective as the opponents don't know if you are weak or expecting to make. South has a tough decision, but chose to pass.
In 4♥ I got a Spade lead, and the defence are threatening to take five tricks (two Spades, a Diamond, a Club, and South wins a trump if a third Spade is lead through). However, I was able to discard the ♦J on a Spade and hold it to 4♥-1.
As you can see, 4♠ for North-South is cold, which perhaps they would get to if South doubled 4♥. On the other table our team-mates made 4♠, after East only overcalled 2♥. In the other match North opened a weak 2♠ both times, once leading to 4♥-2 and once 5♥-2. Overall then a good board for Team Rowan. Really North-South should be getting to 4♠ with South doubling anyone who bids 5♥.
My second featured board was not such a good one:
I opened 1♥, South doubled and Anna bid 2♦, still showing 10+. When I rebid my Hearts Anna gave support, and it's hard for me to avoid bidding game, especially at aggregate scoring. I did consider 3NT, as I know it's going to be difficult getting Spade ruffs with short Spades on my right.
When dummy comes down it's not looking good. On the ♦T lead I know that the Diamond finesse is failing, so I have two unavoidable Club losers. I need one trump loser, and to ruff two Spades in dummy, which requires finding exactly ♥Kx onside. So that's what I play for. It's looking good when I am able to ruff one Spade with the ♥9, but falls apart when the Heart finesse fails.
Two off is no disaster at aggregate, and it was worth trying for that layout that would let me make it. However, there's a further twist. With just three tricks left I've got ♥A62 in hand with one other small trump outstanding. I ruff with the ♥2 and accidentally double-click, therefore starting the next trick with the ♥6! This is as obvious a mis-click as you could get, and I immediately explain what happened and ask for an undo.
My request is rejected, then one opponent says "try again" but her partner still rejects the Undo. So it's 4♥-3 and minus 300.
On the other tables most were also unable to avoid bidding 4♥ either, and it finished variously 4♥-3 (me), 4♥-1, 4♥-2 and 3♥-2.
In the end we won our match by +800, and the other match by +140 for an overall win of +940 translating to a 10-6 win.
Would +1040 have been a different score?
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