Just for a change here's one I think I played well, playing with Ted in the Tuesday night Wanderers Teams match on Bridge Base. I had to play it well as I'd overbid, and was in 5♥ off three cashing tricks:
Having been starved of good hands I was very exicted by that East hand. I opened 1♥, and when partner raised to 4♥ (showing this sort of hand) I decided to check for Aces. I figured I had some safety in that they were likely to lead Spades. When partner showed only one Ace I was stuck in 5♥.
I got the ♠Q lead, and won the Ace. I crossed to dummy in trumps (actually drawing them all) and lead a Club up to my ♣Q. North ducked, and I was home. I played it quite quickly which was good. On the other table it was 4♥+1 with the same play, and less stress.
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