Phil Moon and I were back at the Buchanan for an online game yesterday.
We made a promising start, when Phil made an excellent 4♥ overcall, causing them to miss their Diamond slam. Unfortunately the same thing happened at the other table so it was flat.
In fact, over 16 boards there was only one game swing. And it was against us, caused by my dubious bidding:
Phil opened 1♥ and it was over to me. We play four card majors and weak NT. We've not discussed what suit to open with a four card minor and a four card major, but I do know that Phil either has five Hearts or 15+ points.
I made the unusual response of 2♥. As it happens, my wife was walking past at that time and after my bid I asked what she would have done. "1NT" she said straight away. I wish I had. 2♥ could have worked well, if for example we end up playing 2♥ instead of 1NT. I've a singleton Spade and partner is likely short of Spades. If Phil does bid on, it's very likely he has five Hearts.
As it is, Phil has a balanced 19 count with only four Hearts (and four good Spades). At least his Hearts are good, and 4♥ has some play.
On the ♣Q lead Phil let it run round to his ♣A, leaving the finesse for later. He now has plenty of tricks, the only problem is trump losers. Phil found a good line of ducking a Heart, leading small from hand. Unfortunately the defence pounced on this, and found a way to beat the contract. South won the ♥Q and lead a Diamond through, North won ♦AQ then a fourth Diamond puts declarer in big trouble. He's already lost three tricks so ruffs high with the ♥K and can no longer make it.
The other table had a more usual auction to 3NT. This has eight top tricks, and chances for a ninth (and tenth) in Hearts, Clubs and Diamonds. When it made exactly that was 10 IMPs away.
In the end we lost 19-24.
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