Tuesday, 18 February 2020

No coffee

My favourite game with our children is to lie on the floor and pretend to be asleep. Sometimes I'm waiting for Santa to arrive, sometimes I'm just lying there. Once I actually did have a micro-nap on the playroom floor. Unfortunately, their favourite game is now to jump on top of me while I'm pretending to sleep.

Yesterday I was feeling very tired and spent a lot of the afternoon lying on the floor, getting jumped on. I knew I had bridge in the evening and was saving my energy. On previous Monday night bridge I've had a half-time Coke or strong coffee, but I've found that the caffeine, along with a good memory for all the hands I got wrong, has meant it takes hours for me to go to sleep. So this time I had no coffee, and I think the fatigue may have lead me to some odd decisions. The featured boards below show me passing out a Blackwood inquiry and claiming when I'd miscounted trumps.


North opened a weak 2♥ and John made a natural 2NT overcall, showing 15-19 and a Heart stop. South raised to 3♥, which I would never do with a singleton Heart but certainly worked here. I was sitting West, and had a problem. All of Pass, double, 3♠ and 3NT are options. I decided on 3♠, slightly worried it would look strong (as I was an unpassed hand) as I've forced us to game.

In fact John liked his Spades so much, along with my suspected singleton or void Heart, he tried a 4♥ cuebid. I tried to put the brakes on by signing off in 4♠ but this was met with a 4NT bid. I was pretty sure this was Blackwood, but passed anyway. There's no way we were making eleven tricks but might have a chance at ten, especially with my good Heart stop, I thought.

As it happens 3NT (or 4NT) was doomed, for various reasons, but actually not the lack of Heart stops. 4NT-3 did not score well. Bidding on to 5♠ would also not have scored well either, and would probably be doubled.

Never mind, on to the next one. Nearly the end of the evening and I'm flagging slightly.


South opened, another weak 2♥ with 6-5 shape. This one I might even have opened 3♥, at favourable vulnerability. I was sat Weat and over 2♥ I went for a modest 2♠. John replied 2NT. I considered if 3NT would have play, and thought it probably would, as there'd be time to set up my Spades. But then I came to my senses, saw my seven card Spade suit and bid 4♠. North hesitated and passed it out.

She lead the ♣A and I was glad I wasn't in 3NT, with lots of Club losers. in 4♠ I can see ten tricks: seven Spades, two Hearts and a Diamond or even two if the finesse works. I ruffed the third club, unblocked the ♠A (South threw a Diamond) and ruffed a Club back to hand. I then did what I thought was drawing trumps with the ♠KQJ, before crossing to dummy to finesse the Diamonds for an 'overtrick'. When the ♦Q held I showed my last two cards, the ♦A and ♠7.

Quick as a flash North rejected my claim, showing her ♠T and a winning Club.

At this point I actually have either nine or ten tricks. Ten if I play the ♦A first, nine if I play my Spade first. It feels normal to me to always play the ♦A first, just in case, but obviously that's not good enough and by the laws I don't have a leg to stand on. I offered to call a director, but North-South graciously refused and allowed me ten tricks.

In fact North has already gotten herself a good score by not doubling as a couple of tables played 4♠x=.

Overall we finished on 55%, which was just good enough to be the top East-West pair.

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