Monday, 17 February 2025

Peggy Bayer 2025 - Monday #1

It's Monday morning now and we have all safely made it to the airport. I had to knock on a couple of doors this morning of some of the older players. I was relieved when they opened them straightaway fully dressed with suitcases. The Scotland U26 team were up late last night playing some sort of five-handed bridge. I talked with the Welsh and Irish while the precocious English children played Trivial Pursuit well after midnight. But they didn't know how old Adrian Mole was or what the answer was to life, the Universe and everything (I think it was quite an old copy of the game).

The banquet dinner last night was good, and one of the players who is a bar manager agreed the hotel couldn't have done any more. They cleaned up a lot of discarded cups and pieces of paper over the weekend.

After the dinner and short speeches there was a surprise, as the England captain put on some shades and rapped Eminem's Without Me with bridge lyrics. My team were baffled and entertained - it was brilliant. I had nothing to add to this performance.

There was a spare seat when Iris went home

Absolutely stuffed

Looking wonderful

I expect we will take a break from bridge for a little while, or at least I won't be doing evening training sessions any more. This tournament has caused a great improvement in my players in the lead up; not just from those at the event but others who have been attending too.

When someone forgets about an Unusual 2NT I don't mind; I'm glad it came up as it means they will know it for next time - you have to see things happen to remember them. And in fact next match the Unusual 2NT came up twice, and the player who'd forgotten before got it right both times.

It's been a good weekend. The Scotland team were excellent conduct and are very easy to manage - they can be very proud of their performance over the weekend.
Next year we will try and finish above Ireland. 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the commentary over the weekend, Danny - much appreciated. And well done to the U21 team who, unlike most of us, can now call themselves Scottish internationalists!
