Teams Scotland
Dinner was OK, and I'll reserve judgment until breakfast tomorrow. Good pasta, disappointing fish pie (I had two main courses, but no pudding). I kept the team talk low key to diffuse pressure. I realised our team are far from the youngest youngsters here as they lined up against an inexperienced Wales quartet. Next door the two U21 England teams were even younger; apparently they have a 10 and 13 year old playing.
As the action began I decided to start off by watching live in the match room. I managed to remain impassive as two strange things happened on the first board. Then I discreetly left to get my laptop and commentate on the U26 match.
The U26 event is live and watchable on Realbridge, for the U21 event there is much less to find online.
Our players have just come of their first match. Bridge is a strange game in that you have no idea of the score until afterwards.
Here are a couple of boards the players told me about:
This misfit board proved challenging. Scotland did well to defend on both tables. On one table our North-South pair (Niamh and Iris) defended 4C by West, going one off. On the other table the Welsh North went for 5C. Our East (Rachel) doubled this, but our West (Isla) assured me she would have doubled too. 5Cx went off five for a good one for Scotland.
This one I actually have the auction for. West opened 2H, and our North-South overcalled 2S and raised to 4S. This made comfortably. On the other table, our West played 2Hx off two.
I think we won the first match by 52 IMPs, for a 19-1 win.
The team are now doing battle with England. I left our debutant pair of Chris and Ailsa looking slightly concerned about the England team's discussion of bids that we have no knowledge of. I'm sure they'll be fine.
The team are now doing battle with England. I left our debutant pair of Chris and Ailsa looking slightly concerned about the England team's discussion of bids that we have no knowledge of. I'm sure they'll be fine.
This second match finishes about 1130 pm so you can read about that tomorrow!
the scotland team look very cool