As expected we won this quite comfortably, collecting a lot of undertricks against some dubious contracts. For North-South the most challenging board by far was this last one:
You can see it's a misfit hand. After a normal start of 1♠-2♥, Kevin went for 3♦. Michael bid a natural 4♣, and we've got all the way to the four level without agreeing a suit. Kevin jumped to 5♠, then they considered a few six level contracts before settling in 6♠.
With Spades 3-3 and every finesse working the contract has good chances. Kevin got a Diamond lead, and drew trumps then put everything on the Hearts, which worked out well here.
I think the challenge of this hand is how to stay out of slam. The Northern Irish pair settled in 4♥+2, so were unlucky to lose IMPs on the board. I'm told their auction was very fast as they only had four minutes left on the clock. In the U25 Scotland's John Russell made 6NT (his favourite contract), on another table it was 6♥-1 and 4NT=, marked with a star on the score card so maybe it was an adjusted result.
After this win the Peggy Bayer standings look like this (5 of 9 matches played):
We still have to play England twice more but are currently comfortably in second.In the Junior Camrose Scotland are also doing well:
The * on a result means that it has been adjusted on RealBridge. However it is normally just for an operator error rather than a TD adjustment after a ruling.