We also played a few hands with Christine and Stanley. A few times we pushed them to high in the bidding, so when I doubled them in 5♥ they were expecting to go down. What would you lead from:
♠ A 9 8 x x x ♥ x x x ♦ K x x x ♣ -
Your side has bid and raised Spades, and they've bid and raised Hearts.
I found the bold lead of a low Spade,. In a book of bridge stories this would definitely be the lead to beat the contract, putting Anna in with her King of Spades to give me a Club ruff. It's not good playing it safe and starting with the Ace of Spades, as it's too likely declarer or dummy has a singleton Spade, then you lose the chance to put partner in for a ruff. I specifically lead the ♠2, to ask for a low suit return.
Turns out it didn't matter which Spade I lead. This was the whole deal:
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There are four top losers, but look at how my lead lets 5♥x make. Declarer's Spade loser disappears when he wins his singleton King, a nice surprise. Then he draws trumps and runs the Clubs, throwing a Diamond loser.