Thursday, 29 September 2022

SBU Bronze League 12 - Week 1

This season I've bitten off more than I can chew and am looking after two teams in the SBU Bronze League. Last night they were both in action. My team of players who left school last year can look after themselves and recorded a fine win in Division 2. I was playing in the new team of younger Juniors who have entered the league in the lowest Division 5. Based on last night, where we played fairly well but lost 18-2, I think we are going to struggle.

I partnered the most inexperienced player, who goes by the username iscucumber. She ended up being declarer 7 out of 16 boards, including three in a row. She lost the plot on the last one (2♥-3, making on the other table), but did very well apart from that.

This board was my favourite:

We play a very simple system, which worked well for us here. After partner opened 1NT I could reply 2♣, natural.

East led a Heart. I immediately set about trumps, taking five tricks there plus four Hearts for 2♣+1. This looked like a great result, until I realised that actually with Hearts and Clubs splitting we could make 4♥. On the other table our team-mates successfully got to 2♠ by West, but some strange things happened and it went one off, for a flat board.

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Rowan vs Hamilton

In our first league match of the season it became apparent that the children now go to bed a little later, and the 7pm start time was pushing it. We had to have a break after four boards so Alex could get a bedtime story. Then, as I was in the middle of a tricky 6♦ contract, I heard a little voice say from downstairs "Have you even taken any tricks yet?". It was Zoe, watching Anna's screen.

As it happens, I took all 13 tricks:

In the auction Anna's 1NT rebid showed 15-17, and my 2♣ was Checkback Stayman, asking for extra length in the majors. I was hoping for a Heart fit, but when Anna bid a negative 2♦ I knew that with short majors she was likely to have at least something in Diamonds, so felt fairly confident bidding the slam. In fact we could easily have hand a grand slam on if she has the perfect cards.

In 6♦ I got a Heart lead. Prospects are good. I drew trumps in two rounds and now the contract is secure. I think the best line for an overtrick is to test if the Club Queen drops, then if not try the Spade finesse. That led to 6♦+1.

On the other table they stopped in 5♦+2, after some good pre-emmpting in Spades from our team-mates Colin and Sheena Hamilton.

In the other match Jill and Barbara had no problem getting to 6♦+1, and on the fourth table the contract was the rather shakier 6♥=.

Now here is a pair of hands the indicate quite a gulf in the bidding style of my partner and I:

I have responded to Anna's takeout double with a free bid of 2♥, despite only having four Hearts and a bad hand. Maybe I should have said nothing. Later Anna bid 3♥ and I had to play it. Against ruthless defence from John Wilson and Kenneth Crooks the defence took the first eight tricks fro 3♥-4 (only good thing is one other table played 3♥-5).

It's unlucky to go four down, but we have certainly overcompeted with 3♥.

Compare with this deal from our recent Scottish Cup defeat:

This time I've made a takeout double, but Anna has still passed, with a much better hand than the one I bid 2♥ on in the deal above.

Overall we lost the league match 13-3.