In our first league match of the season it became apparent that the children now go to bed a little later, and the 7pm start time was pushing it. We had to have a break after four boards so Alex could get a bedtime story. Then, as I was in the middle of a tricky 6♦ contract, I heard a little voice say from downstairs
"Have you even taken any tricks yet?". It was Zoe, watching Anna's screen.
As it happens, I took all 13 tricks:
In the auction Anna's 1NT rebid showed 15-17, and my 2♣ was Checkback Stayman, asking for extra length in the majors. I was hoping for a Heart fit, but when Anna bid a negative 2♦ I knew that with short majors she was likely to have at least something in Diamonds, so felt fairly confident bidding the slam. In fact we could easily have hand a grand slam on if she has the perfect cards.
In 6♦ I got a Heart lead. Prospects are good. I drew trumps in two rounds and now the contract is secure. I think the best line for an overtrick is to test if the Club Queen drops, then if not try the Spade finesse. That led to 6♦+1.
On the other table they stopped in 5♦+2, after some good pre-emmpting in Spades from our team-mates Colin and Sheena Hamilton.
In the other match Jill and Barbara had no problem getting to 6♦+1, and on the fourth table the contract was the rather shakier 6♥=.
Now here is a pair of hands the indicate quite a gulf in the bidding style of my partner and I:
I have responded to Anna's takeout double with a free bid of 2♥, despite only having four Hearts and a bad hand. Maybe I should have said nothing. Later Anna bid 3♥ and I had to play it. Against ruthless defence from John Wilson and Kenneth Crooks the defence took the first eight tricks fro 3♥-4 (only good thing is one other table played 3♥-5).
It's unlucky to go four down, but we have certainly overcompeted with 3♥.
Compare with this deal from our recent Scottish Cup defeat:
This time I've made a takeout double, but Anna has still passed, with a much better hand than the one I bid 2♥ on in the deal above.
Overall we lost the league match 13-3.