Sunday, 6 November 2011


Thursday 3rd November 2011

After this hand Colin said he was going to publish it on the Bridge Base Forums, to see if anyone agreed with the way I bid. I like my bidding, even though the result was a disaster.

Love all
S deal
♠ K 9 5
♥ J 8 4 3
♦ K Q J 5
♣ A 7
♠ J T 8 4
♥ 2
♦ 8 7 6
♣ K Q T 6 3
♠ -
♥ K T 7 5
♦ T 9 4 3 2
♣ J 8 5 4
♠ A Q 7 6 3 2
♥ A Q 9 6
♦ A
♣ 9 2
-2♦ - 3♥
-5♥ - 6♥
-- -

Colin had the big hand sitting South. He opened 1♠, and I shrewdly repied 2♦. Next Colin showed his big hand, and at least 5-4 shape with a leap to 3♥. Sitting North I now knew big things were happening. A massive double fit.

I reflected for a while then pulled a bold 5♥ bid out the bag.

It sets Hearts as trumps, shows slam interest, and asks partner to bid the slam with good trumps (two of the top three honours). This wasn't something we've previously agreed, and when the opponent asked Colin the meaning he said "No idea" but swiftly bid six anyway, which turned out to be the right thing to do. 6♥ is an excellent contract.

When Colin saw this dummy I expect he was rather surprised, probably thinking we should be in 6♠.

West led a club, which Colin took with the Ace. Then he crossed to the ace of diamonds and tried to go back to dummy's ♠K, with the plan to throw away a Club. Unfortunately East ruffed this Spade, cashed a Club, then got another Heart trick later on. The result, 6♥-2 was a bottom. The rest of the field were either in 6♠= or 4♠+2. Why was no one in Hearts? Don't they realise a 4-4 trump fit is better than a 6-3?

Whatever the contract, if Spades split there's 11 top tricks, and you can easily get one more by force in hearts. Either slam should be fine.

Although I was slightly worried about suit quality in 6♥ that doesn't mean it should't be trumps. If there's a suit we've each got four of then if we're not strong in that suit we're usually not making any slam. Actually on this layout in 6♠ you've got a trump loser but can discard two Hearts and a Club on dummy's Diamonds, and with the Heart finesse working you only lose one trump. In 6♥ you have no Spade losers (barring a defensive ruff) so make if you only lose one trump.

In summary, I stand by my bid, it was just an unlucky deal. However it was a poor result and with this some other misadventures we didn't trouble the leaderboard that night.


We switched lunchtime bridge to a Monday, and were rewarded with a massive eight people. On my table England U25 International Graeme Robertson squeezed a tight game in on a 4-3 fit, then made the mistake of doubling me. Very fortunately for him, I went down one. Then he overbid to 3♠, surely it was time for some payback now?

Love all
E deal
♠ 9
♥ 7 4
♦ K J 8 6 4
♣ Q 9 5 4 3
♠ Q 6 5
♥ J T 8 3
♦ 9 7 3
♣ J 8 7 2
♠ A 7 2
♥ A Q 9 5
♦ Q T 5
♣ K 6 3
♠ K J T 8 4 3
♥ K 6 2
♦ A 2
♣ A T
2♥ - 3♥ 3♠
- - -

Robert sitting East dealt and kicked off the bidding by miscounting his points and opening a weak 1NT. This was doubled by Graeme as South. I was sitting West and had a rubbish hand, and with no agreements there was a small temptation to pass, but I remember a few weeks ago Colin did that and the result was 1NTx-6. So I tried 2♥. Robert didn't know if this was strong or not so bid 3♥, which goes loads off if doubled. But South bid 3♠ passed out.

Surely we were going to take this down?

Declarer has two trump losers, two hearts losers (unless he's allowed to ruff one), and a club loser. Diamonds are 3-3 but that doesn't help as there's no entries to get back to dummy.

I led a heart, which East won with his Ace. He shrewdly cashed the ace of spades to prevent a heart ruff then continued with hearts. Declarer won with his king, made some comment about definitely going down, said "I might as well try this" and played the king of spades. The queen did not drop, and he continued spades to my queen. I cashed a top heart and was still on lead, sitting West, with the position as below, declarer needing to win all the remaining tricks:

♦ K J 8 6
♣ Q 9 5
♥ 8 3
♦ 9 7 3
♣ J 8 7 2
♥ Q
♦ Q T 5
♣ K 6 3
♠ T 8 4
♦ A 2
♣ A T

I thought about leading clubs, as partner might have the ace and if I don't lead them we might never get that trick because of all dummy's diamonds. But then leading a club could cost the contract as I'm leading away from my Jack - in fact here it loses out if declarer guesses to play a low club. In the end I went for a diamond, which went to the Eight, Ten and Ace.

Now it looks like the only hope for declarer now is the diamond finesse. But first he ran all his trumps, discarding all the clubs from dummy. Then, in a very clever move, just before taking the Diamond finesse he cashed the ♣A, and miraculously West dropped the ♣J and East the ♣K, so his ♣T was high and the contract made. This is fair enough from East, he has to protect the ♦Q so had bared the ♣K. You might be thinking why didn't West protect his Clubs, and probably I should have, but had overthought it and kept all my Diamonds because I though that way declarer wouldn't know to drop the doubleton Queen of Diamonds (which doesn't exist, but that was my thinking).

Net result - duped by Graeme again.

Saturday, 15 October 2011


Me and Anna had a few days holiday in Portugal, on the Algarve. As I like to do when we're on holiday I looked up local bridge clubs, and found a nice one with some British ex-pats in Vale Del Rei. We got a taxi there, and had a drink by the pool. This hotel was definitely nicer than ours. On another table overheard a few ladies discussing 1NT openings, we'd come to the right place!

I wasn't that worried about how well we did tonight, just taking a rare opportunity to have a few hands with Anna. But we got a good start and I got my hopes up. We defended well and got a lot of +50s and +100s, but then it occurred to me that maybe those results weren't so good. Here's a typical hand where we didn't quite bring home the bacon:

Game NS
S deal
♠ Q 9
♥ J 7 4 2
♦ 7 6 3
♣ J 9 6 4
♠ 8 5
♥ Q 8 3
♦ J T 5 2
♣ K 8 7 3
♠ A K J 7 4 2
♥ A T 5 4
♦ Q 9 4
♣ -
♠ T 6 3
♥ K 9
♦ A K 8
♣ A Q T 5 2
- - 1♠ -
- 2♣ 2♠ 3♣
- - -

South opened 1♣ and it was passed round to Anna sitting East. She went for a conservative 1♠ overcall, then when North competed Anna rebid 2♠. South came in again with 3♣ and I considered doubling with the West cards. I didn't really know how strong partner was though and so let it go.

We defended well for two off and +200. But this wasn't a great result, as EW can actually make a lucky 4♠.

After only six hands we had a sit out, then a coffee break. Delicious pastries, particularly the Portuguese custard pies. The club consisted mostly of people who had retired to Portugal, which seems quite a good thing to do. Carole said if any bridge players want to come and stay in the hotel she can get them 25% off.

After the break we got to play a few, instead of defending. On the hand below I opened 1NT as South and Anna had a big hand - what to bid? She thought for ages, then an elderly American woman rapped her gold rings on the table to speed things up, Anna panicked and went for the not unreasonable 3NT.

Game all
S deal
♠ A 6 5
♥ K 4
♦ 6
♣ A Q J T 8 4 3
♠ Q 8
♥ 5 3 2
♦ A K Q 9
♣ K 9 7 2
- 3NT - -

West led a Heart and I got that familiar disaster feeling that you get when you're in the wrong contract. We've got loads of tricks but could go down in 3NT. With an intake of breath I put up the ♥K, and miraculously it held! Now I had twelve top tricks, and good chances for a thirteenth with my Diamonds and the ♠Q. I got to scheming then cleverly ran all my clubs to squeeze East. Sure enough my Diamonds were soon all high.

I was going to claim, but decided not to because that might upset people. Instead I cashed the Diamonds, starting with the ♦K for no particular reason. To my surprise West overtook it with the ♦A, a card I thought I had - I'd mis-sorted my hand! Turns out the actual deal was:

Game all
S deal
♠ A 6 5
♥ K 4
♦ 6
♣ A Q J T 8 4 3
♠ Q 8
♥ A 5 3 2
♦ K Q 9
♣ K 9 7 2
- 3NT - -

I had nine tricks but this was matchpoints and after West won his ♦A I was worried they were going to win all the other tricks. Luckily though they'd thrown away winners so I still made 3NT+2, for a joint top. When we had a beer afterwards and I drew out the hand on a napkin and Anna concluded that slam isn't that good anyway (with the ♦A off side), so actually best contract and result, but still not my finest moment.

Got an email from Carole last week - we finished on 51%. Not bad.

Enfield Town

When Anna came to visit me this week I convinced her to come with me to the Enfield Town Monday night bridge club.

I'd not been for a while but people remembered me and had a few hellos. Then before we started to my surprise the scorer came over to us with a pound each - turned out we'd come top last time we were there - six months ago! The scorer had kept track and paid off his debt.

Me and Anna got all the cards. There were several slam deals. One we didn't bid when Anna has ♠ AKxxxxx ♥ x ♦ xx ♣ Kxx opposite my strong NT but took a pessimistic view. Then I got into 6♠. This was doubled, and I hoped that the doubler was only doing it because I'd doubled him the hand before. In fact he did have four decent trumps and took me down.

Then at last a slam we both bid and made. Me and Anna were bidding spades after an opponent overcalled 2♦. I had a diamond suit of ♦QJxx and had a punt at 6♠ without any cue bidding. Partner was strong, surely she'd have the ♦A or ♦K to cover me? In fact Anna had a Diamond singleton, which was enough, and the slam made. Afterwards we were congratulated for our fine bidding, but actually it was rather lucky.

It was full system on, Reverse Benji and all of Normam's gadgets, including Crowhurst of course. With both vulnerable East opened a weak 1NT and I had the South hand below, and lots of options. What would you bid?

Game NS
E deal
♠ A J 6
♥ J 8 5 3
♦ T 9 5
♣ Q 6 3
♠ K Q T 7 5 3
♥ 4
♦ 6
♣ A T 8 4 2

I decided to keep it simple and bid a direct 3♠, which Anna did well to pass. At the time I was fearful she'd think I was strong and raise me to game.

I was left to play in 3♠, and liked the look of it when dummy came down. After drawing trumps in two rounds, finishing in dummy, I considered the clubs. If I just had the Ace and Queen, in opposite hands, the right thing would be to cash the Ace then lead up to the Queen. With the Ace, Queen, Ten and Nine distributed between the two hands its best to finesse twice (learnt that from Norman). What I had was somewhere in between.

I ran the Queen, which covered by the King and Ace, then returned to dummy with my last trump and led up to the ♣T, where East put the Jack in. Just one club loser then and 3♠+1 was a good result.

Not sure how we did overall though, have to go back in six months to find out.