Friday, 26 July 2024

Sole Bay Bridge Club

As part of our holiday double-bill Anna and I also had a game at Sole Bay Bridge Club, right in Southwold. It's just behind the post-office and I couldn't remember quite where so we were slightly late, but luckily were making up a table so were welcome.

I was mostly dummy, as Anna was mostly declarer. I had decided in advance that I would 'go for everything', meaning I'd always take the risky action. So I bid an Unusual 2NT with a slightly unsuitable hand, underled an Ace, and even under-ruffed when I thought it might endplay my opponent (it didn't).

My boldest action was this one, when Anna bid an invitational 4NT and I replied 6♣. This accepts the invite while also suggesting a trump suit. Anna hadn't seen this before. She had ♣AQxxx and wasn't sure I could also have Clubs, but wisely passed.

Love all
S deal
♠ A K x
♥ A x x x
♦ Q
♣ A Q x x x
♠ Q x
♥ K x
♦ A x x x
♣ K T x x x

In 6♣ Anna got a Heart lead and drew trumps in two rounds. There are 11 top tricks, and with a couple of Diamond ruffs in hand that was an easy 6♣ +1. This was a top score as no one else was in slam.

In 6NT you are likely to finish with just 11 tricks, unless you get a friendly Diamond lead from the King. 

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