I played a single contract of 2♠, which got 21% after I should have done better.
We got a few gifts from lax declarer play, but also suffered when the local declarers bid ambitious contracts and made them. During the first half I was wondering if we should have gone on the more challenging Thursday-night game, but then a series of 0% scores reassured me we were in the right place. The low-point was when doubling them in 2♥, making with an overtrick.
It was a friendly atmosphere and nice talking to people. Anna hasn't since commented on the poor quality of my chat so I assume it was OK.
Here's an interesting hand from early on.
I opened 1♥ and rebid 3♥. I was close to rebidding 3♣, who knows where we would end up then. As it is Anna bid a sensible 3NT, and got a Diamond lead.
She won with the Ace and with the aid of a Heart finesse took 9 tricks. This scored exactly 50%, beating a few pairs who stopped short of game and one in 4♠. Those in Hearts took 12 tricks.
Overall we came third with 59%.
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