The first hand I played was 4♠x-2 after John raised my 1♠ opener straight to game on a zero-count. Unfortunately this time the opponents weren't making anything (except 3NT, so technically we got the par score). Near the end I opened 1♥ with a nice 17 count and after John made a simple raise went straight to game. It had no play, unless an opponent revoked, which they did, but we were nice and let them take it back.
The other three hands I played all went off one or two, where if I'd have guessed right I'd have made it. Guessing right is the hallmark of good players, and I didn't have it tonight. This was my only highlight:
John opened the the South hand 1♥ and I knew that the only cards I cared about were the missing keycards; ♥AK and ♦A. But for some reason I feared an immediate Blackwood might be misunderstood so went through an unnecessary splinter. When I found John did have the keycards I duly bid 7♥.
West led a Heart. With 12 top tricks the obvious thing is ruff a Diamond for the 13th. So win the first Heart in dummy with the Queen, then cross to the Ace of Diamonds, ruff a Diamond, and cross back to hand to draw trumps. Although neither John or I spotted this at the time trumps were 2-2 and he duly made 7♥=. The other tables all made 13 tricks in 5♥, 6♥ and 6♥, so a good board for Team Rowan.
Overall we lost the match by a mere 1000 points, leading to a 10-6 loss.
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