In this one John and I got our best board of the first half:
After South opened a weak NT John doubled for penalties. I have a flat hand so passed this. North's 2♦ shows Diamonds and Hearts, and South's subsequent pass at least three Diamonds. It looks like they've made an effective escape, but John doubled again and I passed (with slightly more doubt).
In fact we have plenty to beat it. John started with a couple of top Hearts, then drew trumps, and in the end declarer was limited to just four tricks (one trump, two Spades, on Club). Even though they were non-vulnerable 2♦x-4 for +800 was a good score.
On the other table South opened 1♣, and East-West played in 3NT. This could go down, but with few good options South led the ♠A and 3NT made for -600, still a small gain.
Shortly after we gave back all those IMPs and more:
On the other table on a more natural auction East-West won the board by getting to 5♣, and when our North-South bid 5♠x-1 it was a heavy loss.
At first it looks like a possible missed slam, but with trumps 4-0 it gets tricky. On both tables South led a top Club, which declarer won and started on trumps. What do you do after play the Ace of Hearts and finding the 4-0 split?
After taking the ♥AK declarer just needs to play Clubs to set up dummy's Jack, for throwing a Diamond. You lose just two trumps and a Club.
When it was my turn to actually be declarer I didn't do so well:
After a not-completely-clear auction I got to 4♦. West began with two top Hearts, the second ruffed in hand. If I draw trumps and get Clubs right I have 11 tricks, but since I was only playing 4♦ (but wondering if I should be in game somewhere), I thought it was safer to play on Clubs while leaving a trump out (so if I lose the lead I could ruff the Heart return in the North hand, not with my top trump in South).
So After drawing two rounds of trumps I led a Spade up, and took a losing Club finesse. West did well to then play Ace and another Spade giving partner the ruff and one down.
I think I was sort of right to delay drawing trumps, but an early round of Clubs (dropping the Queen) would have really paid off here.
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