Friday, 19 November 2021

Adamson vs Smith

For our last match of the league we needed a win to avoid relegation. We didn't get one. From my perspective there were four interesting hands:

In this one John and I got our best board of the first half:

After South opened a weak NT John doubled for penalties. I have a flat hand so passed this. North's 2♦ shows Diamonds and Hearts, and South's subsequent pass at least three Diamonds. It looks like they've made an effective escape, but John doubled again and I passed (with slightly more doubt).

In fact we have plenty to beat it. John started with a couple of top Hearts, then drew trumps, and in the end declarer was limited to just four tricks (one trump, two Spades, on Club). Even though they were non-vulnerable 2♦x-4 for +800 was a good score.

On the other table South opened 1♣, and East-West played in 3NT. This could go down, but with few good options South led the ♠A and 3NT made for -600, still a small gain.

Shortly after we gave back all those IMPs and more:

North's 2♦ showed both majors, and South's 3♦ at least five Spades. I have a great hand to overcall Clubs, but didn't think it was right to come in as high as 4♣, so let the opponents bid and make 4♠.

On the other table on a more natural auction East-West won the board by getting to 5♣, and when our North-South bid 5♠x-1 it was a heavy loss.

This next board was my highlight:

Even though I was dummy, and watched John make 4H, it's a highlight as I clearly saw the winning line.

At first it looks like a possible missed slam, but with trumps 4-0 it gets tricky. On both tables South led a top Club, which declarer won and started on trumps. What do you do after play the Ace of Hearts and finding the 4-0 split?

After taking the ♥AK declarer just needs to play Clubs to set up dummy's Jack, for throwing a Diamond. You lose just two trumps and a Club.

When it was my turn to actually be declarer I didn't do so well:

After a not-completely-clear auction I got to 4♦. West began with two top Hearts, the second ruffed in hand. If I draw trumps and get Clubs right I have 11 tricks, but since I was only playing 4♦ (but wondering if I should be in game somewhere), I thought it was safer to play on Clubs while leaving a trump out (so if I lose the lead I could ruff the Heart return in the North hand, not with my top trump in South).

So After drawing two rounds of trumps I led a Spade up, and took a losing Club finesse. West did well to then play Ace and another Spade giving partner the ruff and one down.

I think I was sort of right to delay drawing trumps, but an early round of Clubs (dropping the Queen) would have really paid off here.

In the end we lost the match by 26 IMPs.

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