This is our penultimate match, against the strong Ireland team. Things got off to an explosive start, with over 100 IMPs exchanged in the first ten boards. I say exchanged, we didn't get many of them. I made a note of things the boys could do better, but then abandoned that and decided instead just to enjoy the two boards we did well on.
Board 5 and Board 6 were both game swings for SBU:
3NT has eight top tricks. Michael got a Spade lead, and correctly went up with the Queen for his ninth. On the other table Kevin sitting South lead a low Club, and the defence took the first four Clubs. Aidan made a safe return and declarer could only come to eight tricks. 3NT-1 and another 11 IMPs in. It's an easy game when it goes well!
Unfortunately, not much else went right and we accumulated a heavy 29-104 loss. Any more than 60 IMPs difference and you get 0 VPs. The updated leader-board:
We can theoretically catch Wales, but England are now unassailable at the top (the England team we beat in Round 2!)
Strangely in the U26 Junior Camrose the six teams are ranked in the same order.
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