Monday 17 August 2020

SBU Lockdown Swiss Pairs #2

A 7pm start is a bit tight for Anna and I, as that is also the kid's bedtime. We just made it to the table on time last Saturday, but I feel my head wasn't quite in the game. Witness the first deal below:

East opened 1♣ opening and I thought about how high to bid. I'd actually decided on 3♥ but misclicked and bid 2♥. Close enough I thought, and didn't ask for an Undo. Anna raised and when it came back to me in 4♣ I had a chance of glory. On the bidding partner is likely to have a singleton Club and maybe some Spades, so 4♥ might be worth a go. I passed.

Defending against 4♣, I started with a singleton Diamond and duly got a ruff. We have won the first two tricks and I have two cashing Aces in my hand. What could go wrong? I cashed the ♠A, and got a discouraging signal, so cunningly underlead my ♥A. Then I realised we only needed four tricks in total, and I'd just given the contract as a delighted declarer collected her ♥K.

Conceding 4♣= was worth -5.60 IMPs, worse than any score we'd got last week. Beating it by one trick would have been -1.33 IMPs, and making 4♥ a tremendous score.

After that disaster, things didn't improve. Twice we defended carefully for a ruff, but that actually sorted out the trump suit for declarer. Once I overcalled their 1NT opening, meaning the opponents failed to find their Heart fit. But that meant they made 3NT, while everyone else went down in 4♥. We were unlucky, but also played poorly.

Our final of -34.05 IMPs was good enough for 54th place out of 56.

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