On the penultimate board, defending 1NT, Anna could have taken it down by ducking an Ace, after which declarer would be stranded in the wrong hand. On the final board, defending 3♠, I could have taken down by taking my Ace and not ducking.
The suit looked like this, with North dummy and my defending sitting East:
♥ K 8 5 4 | ||
![]() | ♥ A J 6 3 |
Declarer lead a low Heart from dummy, and I instinctively played low. Declarer won her singleton ♥Q in hand, and that was enough to make the contract. The full layout was:
♥ K 8 5 4 | ||
♥ T 9 7 2 | ![]() | ♥ A J 6 3 |
♥Q |
Of course it's possible that the layout was something like below, in which case I would have been right to duck.
♥ K 8 5 4 | ||
♥ T 9 | ![]() | ♥ A J 6 3 |
♥Q 7 2 |
Given the actual auction though, it was clear to duck. This mistake was typical of me, I often duck far too much. Conversely, Anna never likes to duck.
On the whole, our bidding during the evening was very conservative. Despite my whisky I kept the bidding simple. The one time I boldly stretched was this hand below, where we might have played a comfortable 2♠ but ended up in game:
Anna had the West cards, and opened 1♠. The textbook bid from me as East is 1NT, as I ought to have 10+ points to be bidding at the two level. But, I figured that with seven Diamonds, and a decent hand for playing in Spades, I didn't want to play in 1NT. So I upgraded, and bid 2♦. I was hoping Anna would now bid 2♠ (almost certainly showing six), and she did. I was going to pass this, happy it was a good contract, when I realised that actually I only had seven losers. Should I be bidding 4♠ then? With such with weak trumps I couldn't quite do that, so bid 3♠, and with six losers Anna immediately bid 4♠
4♠ looks pretty good. My ♠T means Anna has at most two trump losers, and if she can keep the Heart losers to one, the contract looks good. There's a small danger of a Diamond ruff too.
The defence took their ♥A, and two trumps when North had ♠AQ43, but they were the only losers so Anna made a good 4♠
We'll have to try and make sure we're free the first Wednesday of next month now, to continue the Winter Pairs.
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